Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2 cents of a NEW GENERATION

1. I am, what they call the 'New Generation' in this prosperous country: Malaysia.

2. I am young, indeed. Born years after the historic date: 31st August 1957.

3. I have not eye-witnessed the pain of my ancestors to gain the freedom of this country.
[I have never met both my grandfathers, even]

4. I am indeed the 'New Generation' who was taught about my roots by the 'uhhh-so-boring' history textbooks.

5. I read those books, memorise the facts, vomit 'em on the fullscape papers - RELIEVED - the end of yet, another SPM paper.

6. I definitely KNOW my history...some of which have succe

eded in inhabiting my long-term memory 'warehouse' 7. BUT [there's a huge but here]... it takes more than BRAIN to UNDERSTAND history. Do you UNDERSTAND it? Well, I didn't...and I still think I don't. [yeah, blame the system]

8. Thus, I may be lacking in perception, lacking in appreciation on how it feels to be FREE.
Lacking in GRATITUDE to be born in a somehow 'stable and harmonious' country,

9. Thus also, I might be a bit ignorant in some ways on the importance of UNDERSTANDING our history and SUSTAINING whatever that needs sustaining[?]

10. So, OK. I KNOW that unity is the backbone in Malaysia. I, to a certain extent, UNDERSTAND that in order to ensure and sustain unity-compromy, mutual respect and acknowledgement of the diversity [read cultures, customs, religions, languages, sensitivities]among the many races in Malaysia are the core issues that need 'intelligent' handling by, say, EVERYBODY that regard himself/herself as a MALAYSIAN.

11. However, recent developments in Malaysia's political scenarios have made me TOTALLY CONFUSED.

12. Everybody seems like more than ready to point guns towards each other.

13. Everybody, whose ancestors had once shook hands and pledged to build this country hand-in-hand. Together. With mutual respect.

14. Perhaps, those EVERYBODY, learnt their HISTORY with their BRAINS, not their SOULS.
Thus they KNOW, yet fail to UNDERSTAND.

15. Thus the sensitive remarks, thus the questioning of the social contract, thus the politically-driven statements that stir the feelings of everybody, thus the irresponsible actions by individuals who aim for individual gains by 'messing around' with the 'racial issues'.

16. Thus...the can't-help-it prejudice look, feeling and perception towards each other.

17. Thus...my Standard 1 pupils saying not to befriend with the Malays, the Malays not to befriend with the Indians, the Chinese not to befriend with bla bla bla because my mother told me so...and the list goes on. How weird, my parents never told me so [???] *sarcasm*

18. Thus...it breaks my 'New Generation' heart, for I who was taught to befriend with everybody of kind hearts, regardless of the skin colour and religion, to foresee what the next 'New Generation' will be if current situation is to go on.

19. We will, definitely, be damned! [mind my language]

20. Thus, do open our dusty files about how we started and finally got 'HERE', read with our souls, embrace the very fact that we are a 'multiracial' country...and the future of this country lies in our hands.

21. Thus whatever we DO, whatever we SAY, whatever we THINK today will affect our next generation's lives later. So be WISE...not emotionally driven, politically driven or whatever driven...blinded by ideologies 'implanted' by individuals with 'their own agenda' that we forget the basics.

22. Get back to basic...everybody wants PEACE and HARMONY...although the end does not justify the means [if you know what I mean]

23. Thus the end of my 2-cents.

24. I am still very much CONFUSED, still a little bit NAIVE and IGNORANT. But hey, all I want is just to live in HARMONY, in the real sense of harmony-lah.

-sekadar luahan rakyat biasa, tak lebih tak kurang-


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