Thursday, July 9, 2009


NUMBERSSS???? Sorry, not my cup-of-tea.

I usually dwell a lot with my temperol lobe, just messing around the Wernicke's area and Broca's area. Fancy being there most of the time..

But errr...the other half of my brain is rarely used, that is to say..conciously of course. So quite often when I look at a car's registration number, I'll be like..ok,JLA ....hmmm..let's see, what's the number again?? Something of that sort..

So, why on Earth la they gave me this 'accountant wannabe' job? Big mistake la. I was asked to close the account of our *** and that means I have to calculate every penny which got in and out of the so called 'organisation'. That spells trouble of course. First count, RM**, second count RM**,urmm ok, let's do it again. Third count RM**. Ok, I need aspirin. No matter how many times I count 'em, they just 'refused' to balance..the debit and credit. Now, where's the loophole? It's not about 'where did I spend, or rather the org spend the money?' but 'where the heck did this amount come from??' kinda loophole. Bugger..shall I just smile sheepishly to my boss and being foolishly honest,[my bad, i did not balance the account frequently] or shall I keep my cool and give her my I-can-justify attitude? Then again, how to justify an imbalanced account?

If it's other things I could still 'goreng', mix and match here and there, relate and later get entangled, but figures don't lie. Shait, maybe they should learn to 'bend' a bit. So I guess honesty is the best policy then. So, does translucent and transparent share the same meaning? I guess they do, but of course, to a certain extent:)

Problem Solved. [for the short-term yessss..]

I promise I'll dig to the inner core after this.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some People...

Some people live their lives from day-to-day basis.
Perhaps they have nothing at the back of their mind to be worried of
They've got everything they need
They have a place called 'HOME'...a place somewhere they belong to.
They have family...a Mom's shoulder to cry on when something in life goes wrong
A Dad's hand to kiss, a man whom they know they can always depend on.
Emotionally, financially, the list goes on.

Knowing that there's always someone to turn to, there's always a place to go home a bless.
So life is made easier...for those lucky people.

But some people couldn't help but to keep on thinking and worrying.
Some people are ripped off the luxury of 'feeling at home'
Some can only yearn to even say the word 'mom' again
Some can only wish quietly to have their dad to be their 'back-up system' for everything, if you know what I mean..
Things taken for granted by those lucky people are like 'dreams come true' to some people
Like heaven on earth...

Although life is like shit...although workloads are killing me...although I'm broke every month...although my bf is a 'duhh..' I would definitely smile as if nothing happen and laugh my heart out loud, IF only...

Surely each person is destined for different destiny...but somewhere along the road, one couldn't help thinking y'know, just thinking how things could be different...

Yup, with no mistake I made a PACT with HIM before I came here. I said YES to everything He promised me...whatever they were. By now, I knew perhaps almost a half of what He offered me back then...the other half or more is for me to pray and work for.

I have faith, InsyaAllah.