Friday, August 29, 2008


Ahlan Ya Ramadhan...
Dia mai lagi dah..hehe. Dah cukup ganti puasa? [mwahaha...i shudn't be the ONE asking this question huhu]

Anyways, since it's the month of Barakah, I think we should all welcome it with an open heart...and well-prepared, of course.Hmm..talking about preparation..

1) Have you opened the 'dusty' file in your head about 'lafaz niat puasa'?
2) Have you bought a sufficient supply of dates for this coming case you wake up and realise it's only 5 minutes before azan subuh? And in case, you never plan to cook for sahur [just like SOME me,huhu]
3) Have you spotted the location or locationS to hunt for your 'juadah berbuka'??
4) Have you thought of your Hari Raya theme? like, the colour of your clothes, matching colours with your bf or hubby maybe? Nay, too early, innit??

And I realise that except for No.1, the rest in my list of preparation for Ramadhan is kinda..DUNIAWI innit?? ^_^ My bad..

Personally, I hope this Ramadhan will be the month of enlightment for me cuz I really, really need HIS help. Aku sedang mencari ilham...ingin menanti titik noktah atau titik mula bagi sesuatu yang pada aku, hanya DIA saja yang terbaik untuk menentukan. Wallahualam..

1 Ramadhan
I dunno yet as to where will I be spending my 1 Ramadhan...perhaps at my sis's place. Perhaps at BP...which is not so likely to happen'lah'.Or perhaps just at my rented house [Brrrr...can't bear the thought of that].Wherever it is..Ramadhan is still the same'lah' nevermind'lah...cuz I'm so used to it'lah':)

Wherever in this world,
Innallaha Ma'ana, Insya-Allah...

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan kengkawan...

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